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file15 Months of Fresh Hell at Facebook - Nicholas Thompson and Fred Vogelstein.pdf2019-06-13 18:102096 KB
fileDon_t Trust, Verify_ Finding the Facts in a World of Fakes - Zeynep Tufekci.pdf2019-06-13 18:10246 KB
fileEquifax Is Finally Getting Kicked in the Money Bags Due to Its Disastrous 2017 Hack.pdf2019-06-13 18:102016 KB
fileGap in privacy law leaves elections open to _misuse_ of personal information_ privacy commissioner.docx2019-06-13 18:109 KB
fileI am Inmeasurable_ My Life Online, Without all the Metrics - Arielle Pardes.pdf2019-06-13 18:10295 KB
fileLife on the DWeb - Tom Simonte.pdf2019-06-13 18:10272 KB
fileOwned_ We Have Become Tenants on our own Devices - Zeynep Tufekci.pdf2019-06-13 18:10233 KB
fileTaking Back my Data_ I Sold my Digital Soul for Crypto - George Barber.pdf2019-06-13 18:10297 KB
fileThe Code that Crashed the World - Andy Greenberg.pdf2019-06-13 18:101791 KB
fileThe Miseducation of Articial Intelligence - Clive Thompson.pdf2019-06-13 18:101016 KB
fileThe Power of Suggestion_ How Recommender Algorithms run the World - Zeynep Tufekci.pdf2019-06-13 18:10266 KB
fileThe Tipping Point - Adam Rogers.pdf2019-06-13 18:10241 KB
fileWhy I (Still) Love Tech_ In Defense of a Difficult Industry - Paul Ford.pdf2019-06-13 18:102105 KB